Daily Progress Report (DPR) in construction
The results of the planning and design process of a project are the Daily Progress Reports (DPRs). With the help of Livefield app, it is easy to make a DPR report.

Which of these two titles applies to you, construction manager and project manager?
The reality is, it turns out that there are a lot of differences. Any construction company that wants to go to the next level needs to know about them.
In small businesses, the project and construction management responsibilities are often shared by the same individual. Due to the distinct nature of these positions, each one need a certain set of skills. Construction manager and project manager each have their own set of duties, responsibilities, and software.
The fundamental difference between construction managers and project managers is the scope of the work. Project managers often hold positions of more power and responsibility within a company.
For example, A Construction manager works on the construction projects. A project manager is in charge of everything from selecting a site to land procurement, to hiring a construction manager.
The role of a project manager is to provide the construction manager and the rest of the team on the project with the resources and assistance they need in order to complete their tasks.
Common project manager activities include:
Gartner outlines the following key responsibilities of project managers:
Defines the project charter, roles, responsibilities, milestones, budgets, and performance metrics, and then oversees their implementation from foundation to end.
Represents the interests of the project sponsor to the rest of the team.
Improves project management procedures and techniques in a planned and proactive manner.
Encourages collaborative decision-making and ensures that each individual is assigned correct tasks.
Recognizes and addresses project-specific risks at every stage of the delivery process.
As the project manager, he or she communicates the project's status and health to the sponsors and manages risk and issues.
Helps develop a "learning organization" by conducting post-project evaluations.
A lack of project management personnel might put you at danger of making important decisions in the early stages of the project, such as land procurement, which could delay the project and cost you money in the long run.
In most cases, project managers are just involved in signing off on the work of construction workers, equipment, and supplies. It's up to the construction manager to assess their demands, make a proposal, and present it to the project manager for approval.
There may be a discussion about justification of expenditures between project manager and construction manager, but ultimately project manager relies on the construction manager to figure out how much each spend is worth in relation to the overall project budget.
Common construction manager activities include:
A project manager who is not involved in much of the regular construction management tasks may result in a chaotic workforce that does not adhere to appropriate work schedules, or the company may find itself in violation of building laws and regulations.
As the project manager is in charge of a significant part of the operation, they will have more frequent contact with the client, who would like to know how construction is progressing as well as other things like land procurement and site analysis, etc.
This means that the project manager has a better understanding of the client's requirements since they were first brought on board and worked closely with them.
Construction managers will undoubtedly have a great deal of contact with the customer, but project managers will have a greater degree of responsibility.
Construction managers are often more focused on getting the building done than keeping the client happy, so if you don’t have a project manager, you risk an out-of-the-loop client who is dissatisfied even if the project ends up going smoothly.
Construction managers are more concerned with the getting the construction complete than keeping the customer happy, so if you don't have a project manager, you run the danger of having a customer who is out of the loop and unsatisfied even if the project is completed successfully.
Not every construction business is a massive enterprise employing thousands of people. There are instances when a company consists of only a few individuals, or even just a few. If this is the case, one person will be in charge of both the construction and the project management.
These two responsibilities may need to be divided out as the company expands to prevent overburdening the person and managing issues with larger construction projects when details are overlooked.
You need to take a step back and determine if 1) you have enough budget to hire two people to fill these roles and, 2) if the person currently filling both roles is handling it well or is starting to make mistakes. If you feel like you are dropping the ball on some of the fundamental activities listed above, that could be a sign that you need two people in these two positions.
Some of the actions outlined above may indicate that you require more than one person in each of these two jobs.
Project manager and construction manager need quite distinct types of software, which is understandable given the differences in the jobs they do. In many circumstances, Construction management software and project management software are drastically different, despite the fact that there is some commonality.
When it comes to choose construction management software, conside Livefield - a construction management software that has all the advantages which construction management software should have.
Start managing your construction activities using Livefield. Try free for 30 days. Sign up now.
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