Schedule of rates

When engaging in construction projects, it is imperative for engineers, contractors, and stakeholders to take into account a crucial element referred to as the Schedule of Rates (SOR). The Schedule of Rates (SOR) is a fundamental document that regulates the process of cost estimation and the implementation of diverse public works and construction projects across the state. The standardized reference facilitates the establishment of rates for materials, services, and labor, thereby promoting transparency and fairness throughout the project planning and execution process. This article examines the importance of the Schedule of Rates, providing an in-depth analysis of various SOR resources and offering readers valuable links to access current information.

What is Schedule of Rates?

The acronym SOR stands for Schedule of Rates. In the realm of construction and public works, the Schedule of Rates (SOR) is a comprehensive document that delineates the established rates for a variety of work items, materials, and services necessary for construction projects. The rates in question are typically established by government authorities or engineering departments and are intended to serve as a benchmark for estimating the expenses associated with construction projects. The Schedule of Rates is a crucial instrument in promoting transparency, standardization, and responsibility in public works. It serves to streamline the bidding process and uphold consistent pricing across various projects.

Importance of SOR in construction projects

The Schedule of Rates (SOR) facilitates transparency and equity in construction projects by providing a standardized pricing structure. The simplification of cost estimation provides benefits to contractors, engineers, and the government.

How does the SOR benefit construction stakeholders?

The Schedule of Rates (SOR) offers established pricing for materials, services, and labor, simplifying the process of cost estimation and budgeting. This practice ensures equitable treatment of projects and contributes to the maintenance of consistent pricing.

Who publishes the SOR?

The Schedule of Rates (SOR) is a document that is published by government agencies or engineering departments.

How often is the SOR updated?

The Schedule of Rates (SOR) undergoes regular updates to account for fluctuations in material prices, labor rates, and construction methods. The frequency of updates can vary depending on the specific authority and region, ranging from annual to biennial or even longer intervals.

Is it essential for contractors to stay updated on the latest SOR?

It is imperative for contractors to remain informed about the most recent Schedule of rates (SOR). It facilitates precise cost estimations, promotes competitive bidding, and ensures the financial feasibility of projects. Failure to consider the most recent schedule of rates (SOR) can result in imprecise estimations and pose financial difficulties throughout project execution.

Schedule of Rate of Various Departments in India

Andhra PradeshPWD, Roads (NH) & Other Building ConstructionLink
Andhra PradeshWRD & Irrigation by Water Resource Department (WRD)Link
Andhra PradeshIrrigation DepartmentLink
Andhra PradeshSouthern Power Distribution CompanyLink
Andhra PradeshCentral Power Distribution CompanyLink
Arunachal PradeshPWD & Other Building Works SORLink
AssamPWD & Other Building WorksLink
AssamAssam Power Distribution CompanyLink
BiharBCD SORLink
BiharWater Resource Department (WRD)Link
BiharBihar State Power Transmission Company LimitedLink
Chandigarh PWD, Roads (NH) & Other Building Construction Schedule of RatesLink
Chhattisgarh Building WorksLink
Chhattisgarh Roads & HighwaysLink
Chhattisgarh Water Supply, Sewerage & Allied Works Common SORLink
Chhattisgarh Electrical DepartmentLink
Goa GSR For BuildingsLink
Goa SOR For Roads & BridgesLink
Goa SOR For RoadsLink
Goa SOR For Building WorksLink
Goa GSR For Water Supply & Sewerage by WRDLink
Goa Electrical Link
Gujarat Civil & Road Works SORLink
Gujarat Water Resource Department (WRD)Link
Gujarat Electrical DepartmentLink
Gujarat Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage BoardLink
Haryana Haryana Engineering WorksLink
Haryana Public Health Engineering DepartmentLink
Himachal PradeshHimachal PWD SORLink
Jharkhand PWD SORLink
Jharkhand SOR Road Construction DepartmentLink
Karnataka Common SR for Public Works DepartmentLink
Karnataka Electrical DepartmentLink
KeralaPWD SORLink
KeralaKerala PWD Revised SORLink
LakshadweepPWD, Roads (NH) & Other Building Construction Schedule of RatesLink
Madhya PradeshPWD, Roads (NH) & Other Building ConstructionLink
Maharashtra Maharashtra Jeevan PradhikaranLink
MeghalayaPublic Health Engineering DepartmentLink
Mizoram PWDLink
Mizoram Electrical departmentLink
Nagaland PWD SOR (Building Department)Link
Odisha PWD, Roads (NH) & Other Building ConstructionLink
PuducherryPWD, Roads (NH) & Other Building Construction Schedule of RatesLink
PunjabCommon CSR by PWD, Roads (NH) & Other Building ConstructionLink
Punjab Roads & Bridges Development SORLink
Rajasthan SOR For RoadsLink
Rajasthan SOR for Water Resource DepartmentLink
Sikkim SOR Roads & Bridges DepartmentLink
Sikkim SOR Mines & Geology DepartmentLink
Tamil NaduPWD Standard SORLink
Tamil NaduRoad and BridgesLink
Telangana Irrigation & CAD DepartmentLink
Tripura SOR for PWD Building and Roads & Bridges DepartmentLink
Uttar PradeshPWD SORsLink
Uttarakhand PWD SORsLink
West Bengal SOR Building Works (2017)Link
West Bengal Other PWDLink
West Bengal SOR Roads & Bridge WorksLink
West Bengal SOR National HighwaysLink
West Bengal Sanitary & Plumbing Works by Water Resource Department (WRD)Link
West Bengal Unified Schedule of Rates (For Irrigation & Waterways Department)Link
West Bengal Eletcrical Works SOR by Electrical DepartmentLink


In summary, the availability of the Department-wise Schedule of Rates is essential for multiple stakeholders within the construction and infrastructure development industries. The provided comprehensive rate schedules provide valuable insights for cost estimation and budgeting processes, thereby ensuring efficient project execution while adhering to financial constraints. By utilizing these schedules, contractors, engineers, architects, and government officials can make well-informed decisions, uphold transparency, and promote sustainable development throughout the state.