
Construction sites are not just where the action takes place, but they are also the source of all of a project's most critical data. In reality, the most valuable assets a company can have are the insights and project data collected during site activities. Technology solutions that are designed for office tend to hamper communication between the field and office. Despite the fact that many software packages boast for providing field reporting facilities, getting the teams in the field to actually want to utilise them is another story. Prioritizing the end user is essential when selecting a construction management software.

1. Easier is Better

Generally, A Site engineer or supervisor have hectic day, so spending an hour or more on data collection and reporting them is the last thing on his or her mind. Construction management software may be just as inefficient as the old-fashioned pen and paper method if it isn't designed with the end user in mind. You can't have full, accurate, and timely insights without investing in field-focused software solutions. In order to ensure that the office receives full, accurate, and timely insights from the field, organisations must invest in field-focused software solutions.

To try to adopt a solution that isn't accepted by field workers is pointless. It is only possible for a company to get data if its workers use it. You won't get any use out of the investment if the tool or software isn't user-friendly or not functioning on the work site.

It's even better if you can identify a construction software platform that your field workers truly love using. Recall that happy workers are more productive workers. Additionally, motivated employees are more likely to give the office with accurate, well-organized data.

2. Grab and Go


Onboarding is the first step in creating an easy-to-use system. Training new users shouldn't take more than a few days at the most, and businesses should provide their field personnel with something they don't need to be educated on. End users should be able to install and start using a field operations tool on their own, just as they do with all the other applications they use on a regular basis. Any software that requires weeks or months of training is a waste of time and money, and is probably too much effort for anybody to bother with anyway.

3. Subcontractor Synchronization

General contractors that outsource speciality trades need a technology that brings all of their subcontractors' information together. A General Contractor's ability to maintain track of data is hampered when each subcontractor employs a distinct method for storing and reporting information. The finest field operations systems allow subcontractors to join projects and submit their information centrally, so that data can be accessed at any time without delay.

4. Tech Brings Talent

Data collection alone isn't enough when it comes to making use of technology in real-world situations. It's simpler to recruit and retain talent if a corporation provides a software that the field-worker enjoys using. With a persistent labour shortage and a growing Contech industry, businesses and projects that use the most cutting-edge technology will be better positioned to recruit and retain the most qualified employees.

5. A Win-Win Situation: Prioritizing the Field


There are several aspects to consider while selecting field operations software, but the most significant one is the ease of use in the field. When it comes to tools, it doesn't matter how complex or dazzling they are. If they aren't fast and simple to use in the field, the investment is a total waste of money. In the long term, everyone wins from offering software that field workers like working with.

With this in mind, Livefield has developed a field operations software that is simple and straightforward. Livefield is the field's go-to solution for everything from task management to resource management and quality management to safety. We put the end user's requirements first, so that people in the field can swiftly capture information without disturbing their daily routines, and so that the office can always have up-to-date project information.

To maximise their return on investment, companies should use technologies that are intended for the end user, which means they will receive the greatest acceptance, the most accurate data, and the most value for their money. More successful companies are built on a happy work environment, which generates greater business insights.