How to create labour and equipment log?

Labour & Equipment log attributes

DescriptionWrite the name of your log name
Start dateStart date from which report should be filled
End dateThe date from which you no longer required to fill up the report
AssigneeTeam member who is responsible to fill up the report
LocationThe location represented by the report

What to know

  • On the Web: Reports > +Create > Labour & Equipment log
  • In the App: More > Project reports > Labour and Equipment log > "+" button

On the Web

  1. Click on reports from side bar menu.
  2. Click on + button, given on right side of Labour and Equipment log heading.
  3. Fill out the attributes and click on save changes button and your labour & equipment report is created.

In the app

  • Tap on more menu given in bottom navigation bar.
  • Then tap on project reports.
  • Tap on Labour and Equipment log from project report list.
  • Tap on + icon
  • Fill out report attributes and tap on save button to create labour and equipment log.