How to add, edit and delete materials?

On the Web

Metohd 1 :
  1. Click on settings from sidebar menu.
  2. Click on material from setting list.
  3. From the material list click on edit button to edit material name, unit and minimum quantity or click on delete button to delete current material.
  4. To add new material, click on +Add button given below.
Metohd 2 :
  1. Click on reports from sidebar menu.
  2. Click on storeroom report from storeroom log.
  3. Then click on material button.
  4. There you will see two option to create material and update material.
  5. Click on create material to create new material and click on update material to edit existing material.
Metohd 3 :
  1. Click on reports from sidebar menu.
  2. Click on material report from material log.
  3. Click on +Material button given at top bar to create new material.