How to create Purchase Order (PO)?

What to know

  • On the Web: Sidebar menu > Reports > Storeroom log > select storeroom > PO tab > +Create PO
  • In the App: Open Project. More > Field Report > Storeroom log > Select Store room > In order

On the Web

  1. Click the reports from sidebar menu.
  2. Then click on storeroom name from storeroom log.
  3. There you will find stock and PO tab.
  4. Open the PO tab.
  5. Click on +Create PO button.Then fill up the required fields.
  6. Now in order details click on select to order require material or click on add button to create new material
  7. After selecting the material, you will see materials that you selected.Input the order quantity you require.
  8. Now click on save button and your PO is created.

In the App

  1. Open the store room in which you want to create purchase order.
  2. Go to In order tap.
  3. Tap on the + button given in the bottom right corner.
  4. Add the Order number, select vendor, date of order and expected date of delivery.
  5. Tap on the + button given in the order details row to select the material.
  6. Select the material you want to order. If material is not present, tap on + button given in the bottom right corner to add new material.
  7. Enter the order quantity and their rate. Add Tax, freight charges, other charges if you know in advance. Add terms and condition decided with vendor if any.
  8. Tap on Add order button to create Purchase order.