How to Fill-up survey Report?

Survey report can only be filled by assignee or person who have permission to fill.

What to know

  • On the Web: Sidebar menu > Reports > Select Survey Report
  • In the app: More > Field Reports > Survey Report > Select Survey Report > Survey

On the Web

  1. Click on reports from sidebar menu.
  2. Click on survey report that need to be fill.
  3. Click on quick answer e.g. Yes, No, NA and to add note just click on note field for particular question.
  4. To add Photos for particular question, click on + icon.
  5. You can add general notes for survey report in general notes section.
  6. To add attachment, click on +attachment button and select file you want to attach.

In the App

  1. Tap on Project reports from more button provided in bottom navigation bar.
  2. Tap on survey reports.
  3. Open survey report that you want to fill from survey report list.
  4. Tap on Survey from bottom navigation bar.
  5. There you will find the question list.
  6. Simply tap on appropriate answer and add notes to notes field and upload photos from + icon.
  7. General notes and attachment options are given below the question list.
  8. To add attachment simply tap on + icon
  9. Then tap on submit button to save your survey report