How to sign field report?

Once user sign report, it will be submitted and locked. To change details after the report is locked, user need to take Admin permission to unlock the report.

Can a non-livefield user sign a field report?

No, currently non-livefield user not able to sign report. Only assignee is able to sign field report.

What to know

  • On the Web: Select report > Submit.
  • In the App: Select Report > Preview > Sign report.

On the Web

  1. Open reports from side bar menu.
  2. Click on the report that you want to submit.
  3. Click on the submit button from top tool bae menu.
  4. Sign with your signature and click the save button to submit.

In the App

  1. From bottom navigation bar tap on more button.
  2. Tap on project reports button.
  3. Tap on report that you want to submit.
  4. Tap on the preview button from the bottom navigation bar.
  5. Tap on sign report button.
  6. Sign with your signature and tap on the save button to submit.