How User could manage revised or updated or version drawing?

Method 1: In the list view, Click Sheet Info (i) and upload new revised drawing.
Method 2: Open the sheet and upload sheet from Sheet info.

What to know

  • On the Web: Open Project. Sheet > +Add Sheet
  • In the App: Open Sheet > Update Sheet

On the Web

  1. Open Sheet.
  2. Click +Add sheets button placed on the top right portion of toolbar.
  3. To update the existing sheet, give the same sheet no. while uploading. Livefield automatically add sheet to the updated drawing if sheet number is the same.

In the App

  1. Open Sheet.
  2. Tap on Three dot button on top right corner.
  3. From the menu, Click on update plan.


When user upload the new drawing with same sheet no, Livefield automatically consider it us revised drawing.