How to fill Purchase Order (PO)?

What to know

  • On the Web: Sidebar menu > Reports > Storeroom log > select storeroom > PO tab > Select ordered PO
  • In the App: Open Project. More > Field Report > Storeroom log > Select Store room > In order > Select ordered PO

On the Web

  1. Open the storeroom in which PO is created.
  2. Go to the PO tab and Click on PO that you want to fill.
  3. Add the received material quantity. Select the delivery date, add notes and attachment if you required.
  4. Sign PO and click on save button.

In the App

  1. Open the storeroom in which PO is created.
  2. Go to the In order tab and Click on PO that you want to fill.
  3. Enter the received quantity. Add general photos, invoice photos and notes if you want to add.
  4. Click on the Sign PO button given at the bottom. Your PO will be signed.


Once the PO is signed, all the received materials will be added to available stock.