How to generate task report from Livefield?
User could generate task detailed and summary report of the tasks. Summary report contains Task description, Task Category, Sheet, Assignee and Status. Detailed report contains all the details like task attributes, checklist, discussion done in the task, photos attached to task etc.
What to know
- On the Web: Select Tasks > Action > Generate Report
- In the App: Select Tasks > Generate Report
On the Web
- Select the task which details we want to add.
- Click on Action Button placed in the top right corner
- From the Menu, click on Generate Report button.
- Select the type of the report you want to generate. e.g. Summary or Detailed
- Click on Generate report button.
- A link will be generated. Send the link to recipient or click on download file to save the report to the device.
In the App
- Android: Long press on any task, selection box will be appeared on top right corner of each task.
iPhone: Tap on Edit button on the top left corner. Selection box will be appeared on top right corner of each task. - Select the task which details you want to add and then tap on Generate Report button from the bottom.
- Select the type of the report you want to generate. e.g. Summary or Detailed.
- A link will be generated. Send the link to recipient or copy link and then paste it to browser to download report to the device.