How to link/delink related sheet / file with another sheet?

User could co-relate the sheet / file with another sheet.Related sheet is helpful to group the sheet of same location. E.g. First floor plan of Architecture, Structural, Electrical etc. Related files help to link external files such as specifications, RFI to Sheet.

What to know

  • On the Web: Open sheet > +Add Related Sheet /file
  • In the App: Open Sheet > Related Sheet / file > Add

On the Web

  1. Open Sheet.
  2. Click on Add related sheet / file.
  3. Select sheet / file you want to relate and click on +Add related sheet / file.

In the App

  1. Open Sheet.
  2. Tap on related sheet / file icon given in bottom bar.
  3. Tap on Add button given on the top right corner.
  4. Select the sheet / file you want to relate and tap on Link. If you want to delink sheet/file, uncheck the checkbox.